XBT® SPEED by Klaus Kirsch

XBT®-SPEED is a fast fitness concept that combines fighting elements and functional exercises. The
XBT® training belt as an additional tool brings participants from the actual HIIT to cool-down to individual top performance.
An XBT®-SPEED class is createt for a duration of 30 minutes. All basic features such as stamina, strength, agility and speed are trained in these 30 minutes.

The right balance between loading and unloading, varied functional exercises and the exciting component of the XBT® training belt are making an XBT®-SPEED unit a complete power workout with a high fun factor!



  • Theory and practice of material arts elements
  • Theory and practice of functional exercises
  • Working in a group
  • Correct verbal cueing
  • Giving correct movement instructions
  • Structure and process of an
    XBT® training session
  • Use of music
  • Background knowledge of the XBT®  training belt


In a 2-day workshop, the prospective XBT®-SPEED Basic Instructors are learning all about XBT®-SPEED and the XBT® training belt, in addition to be able to give
XBT®-SPEED lessons by themselfes.

Of course every graduate XBT®-SPEED Basic Instructor will get the official XBT®-SPEED Certificate!

Your own concept!

Basicly the XBT® training belt can be used as a ad-on in every Group Fitness class.

So if you are creative and you would like to do your own
XBT® concept, please let us know, we will help you to set up your own new fitness concept!






Tel: 0151 547 500 66